
• Left side is the Process Building basement. The grit vortex foundation has been completed, along with the 4-chamber effluent splitter-box where the Process Mains will connect to carry effluent down to the Bioreactor Complex. Far left is the staging/assembly area for the Process Building reinforcing steel.
• The Rough-Terrain (RT) Crane is assisting with form removal and installation of reinforcing steel.
• In the center of the picture is the Septage Receiving Station (SRS) sump cast in concrete (square recessed concrete area adjacent to the Tower Crane concrete bucket).
• The right-side of the picture shows the detailed excavation and mud-slab complete for the Process Building ground-floor, with underground duct-bank for the electrical system stubbed up, as well as numerous sub-floor treatment process piping stubs. All sub-floor piping for the Process Building has been completed in preparation for the placement of ground-floor concrete slab.
• Lower right-hand corner is the 900mm HDPE duct from the Process Building to the Odour Control building (large circular stubbed pipe near the skid-steer).
• Green tarping has been installed to protect certain elements of the Process Building mud-slab in preparation for the installation of the ground-floor reinforcing steel mat.