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You always know you're getting close to home when the ferry goes under the power lines!

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Liam Hardcore40 over 4 years ago
hi i would like too have the ferry that was sold on Craig's list that was on you-tube that has a dirty rusty look too it i think it's time we brought back the Queen of Burnaby back into service and my reason is i asked my father about it and he gave me his blessing also if you ask his boss or co-workers on the line they would have there opinion too also i think they should re-open the arcade and restront with those greasy burgers at earl's cove because it was part of my childhood growing up with my brother and school trip's with school district 47 also i feel that jouring covin 19 esisenshall needs of the passengers and BC ferry's staff are still not being completely met also i feel the same about west-jet but that's another story.
Share hi i would like too have the ferry that was sold on Craig's list that was on you-tube that has a dirty rusty look too it i think it's time we brought back the Queen of Burnaby back into service and my reason is i asked my father about it and he gave me his blessing also if you ask his boss or co-workers on the line they would have there opinion too also i think they should re-open the arcade and restront with those greasy burgers at earl's cove because it was part of my childhood growing up with my brother and school trip's with school district 47 also i feel that jouring covin 19 esisenshall needs of the passengers and BC ferry's staff are still not being completely met also i feel the same about west-jet but that's another story. on Facebook Share hi i would like too have the ferry that was sold on Craig's list that was on you-tube that has a dirty rusty look too it i think it's time we brought back the Queen of Burnaby back into service and my reason is i asked my father about it and he gave me his blessing also if you ask his boss or co-workers on the line they would have there opinion too also i think they should re-open the arcade and restront with those greasy burgers at earl's cove because it was part of my childhood growing up with my brother and school trip's with school district 47 also i feel that jouring covin 19 esisenshall needs of the passengers and BC ferry's staff are still not being completely met also i feel the same about west-jet but that's another story. on Twitter Share hi i would like too have the ferry that was sold on Craig's list that was on you-tube that has a dirty rusty look too it i think it's time we brought back the Queen of Burnaby back into service and my reason is i asked my father about it and he gave me his blessing also if you ask his boss or co-workers on the line they would have there opinion too also i think they should re-open the arcade and restront with those greasy burgers at earl's cove because it was part of my childhood growing up with my brother and school trip's with school district 47 also i feel that jouring covin 19 esisenshall needs of the passengers and BC ferry's staff are still not being completely met also i feel the same about west-jet but that's another story. on Linkedin Email hi i would like too have the ferry that was sold on Craig's list that was on you-tube that has a dirty rusty look too it i think it's time we brought back the Queen of Burnaby back into service and my reason is i asked my father about it and he gave me his blessing also if you ask his boss or co-workers on the line they would have there opinion too also i think they should re-open the arcade and restront with those greasy burgers at earl's cove because it was part of my childhood growing up with my brother and school trip's with school district 47 also i feel that jouring covin 19 esisenshall needs of the passengers and BC ferry's staff are still not being completely met also i feel the same about west-jet but that's another story. link