Work Begins
Work begins
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020 the initial phase of work on the CWWTP began, involving clearing of vegetation, grubbing of stumps, chipping of woody debris, repairing gates and installing fencing.
Augusta Recyclers of Powell River is the contractor for the work. To date, the contractor has completed the clearing and site preparation of the laydown area and the outfall site.
They have now moved onto clearing the main CWWTP footprint and were approximately 30 percent complete as of Friday, October 30, 2020. Augusta tentatively plan to have the trees felled in the remaining area of the main CWWTP footprint on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 and Thursday, November 5, 2020, or the following week, weather dependent. We anticipate that Augusta will be on-site working on the main CWWTP footprint until mid- to late November completing the tree removal, clean-up and chipping of the woody debris. The grubbing of the footprint (removal of stumps and ground vegetation) and the installation of sediment and exclusion fencing is currently scheduled to take place between March 1 and April 2, 2021.
Signage and traffic control are in place near the existing Townsite Wastewater Treatment Plant and portions of the Haul Road. Access to First Beach (also known as Second Beach and Townsite Beach) may be impeded on a periodic basis depending on work activities to ensure the safety of the public. Certain trails within the old golf course lands will be affected for the duration of the CWWTP construction with closures and detours for alternatives clearly marked.
Aerial maps of clearing and site preparation areas can be seen in the Photos section.