Share Curbside Collection - WE'RE ON A ROLL! on FacebookShare Curbside Collection - WE'RE ON A ROLL! on TwitterShare Curbside Collection - WE'RE ON A ROLL! on LinkedinEmail Curbside Collection - WE'RE ON A ROLL! link
Consultation has concluded
Welcome to the Public Engagement for the
New Automated Solid Waste Collection System Coming this Fall!
We're rolling out the new way for throwing away! We know you'll have lots of questions about our new automated solid waste collection, so we'll make sure you get all the answers right here. Let's Roll!
Carts are being delivered now! Included is an important
Cart Size
The carts will be delivered to your home prior to September 30, 2021.
They are 132 litres, large enough to hold 2 large black bags or 4 kitchen bags.
The carts are purchased by the City and will be distributed during a phased-in program.
Large families can purchase an additional cart for a fee.
Multi-unit dwellings will be provided one 360 litre cart for every three units within the building.
Cart Placement
Residents with mobility challenges may not be able to meet waste cart location requirements for curbside collection. To keep with the automated program and for the safety of our collection staff a decision will be made by the Roads Supervisor after a site assessment.
Garbage Tags
In most circumstances, the new system will not require the use of garbage tags.
Any waste in the cart does not need a tag.
Tags will be required when you have excess waste. There are two options:
Purchase a second 132L litre cart for weekly collection
Garbage tags are not going away entirely. For occasional excess waste you can purchase a tag for an extra garbage bag. Waste that does not fit in your cart will require a tag for each bag. The tag price will be increasing to $5 per tag.
The City will be offering refunds for garbage tags at $2.00 per tag. Refunds will only be issued at City hall not private retailers.
The estimated cost to the City for implementation is $534,000. Elimination of the garbage tag fee will result in increased fixed annual rates to offset the removal of the garbage tag revenue. The fees for taxpayers with no bag tag requirements include an annual levy of $120, an increase of $41, or equivalent to the cost of 22 garbage tags. The levy will be included in the homeowner’s property taxes and will not take effect until 2022.
Welcome to the Public Engagement for the
New Automated Solid Waste Collection System Coming this Fall!
We're rolling out the new way for throwing away! We know you'll have lots of questions about our new automated solid waste collection, so we'll make sure you get all the answers right here. Let's Roll!
Carts are being delivered now! Included is an important
Cart Size
The carts will be delivered to your home prior to September 30, 2021.
They are 132 litres, large enough to hold 2 large black bags or 4 kitchen bags.
The carts are purchased by the City and will be distributed during a phased-in program.
Large families can purchase an additional cart for a fee.
Multi-unit dwellings will be provided one 360 litre cart for every three units within the building.
Cart Placement
Residents with mobility challenges may not be able to meet waste cart location requirements for curbside collection. To keep with the automated program and for the safety of our collection staff a decision will be made by the Roads Supervisor after a site assessment.
Garbage Tags
In most circumstances, the new system will not require the use of garbage tags.
Any waste in the cart does not need a tag.
Tags will be required when you have excess waste. There are two options:
Purchase a second 132L litre cart for weekly collection
Garbage tags are not going away entirely. For occasional excess waste you can purchase a tag for an extra garbage bag. Waste that does not fit in your cart will require a tag for each bag. The tag price will be increasing to $5 per tag.
The City will be offering refunds for garbage tags at $2.00 per tag. Refunds will only be issued at City hall not private retailers.
The estimated cost to the City for implementation is $534,000. Elimination of the garbage tag fee will result in increased fixed annual rates to offset the removal of the garbage tag revenue. The fees for taxpayers with no bag tag requirements include an annual levy of $120, an increase of $41, or equivalent to the cost of 22 garbage tags. The levy will be included in the homeowner’s property taxes and will not take effect until 2022.
Share We have an upper and lower level suite in our house Do we each need to get a can? Or share one on FacebookShare We have an upper and lower level suite in our house Do we each need to get a can? Or share one on TwitterShare We have an upper and lower level suite in our house Do we each need to get a can? Or share one on LinkedinEmail We have an upper and lower level suite in our house Do we each need to get a can? Or share one link
We have an upper and lower level suite in our house Do we each need to get a can? Or share one
almost 3 years ago
The cart entitlement depends on the declaration made on the property and if the suite is registered. To further look into the issue, please call Operation Services 604-485-8657. We hope this answers your question..
Share How / Where do I purchase a second garbage cart on FacebookShare How / Where do I purchase a second garbage cart on TwitterShare How / Where do I purchase a second garbage cart on LinkedinEmail How / Where do I purchase a second garbage cart link
How / Where do I purchase a second garbage cart
victor Labonte Smith
almost 3 years ago
Please contact Operational Services at or 604-485-8657. They will be able to assist you.
Share I live on Joyce, who is responsible if a vehicle strikes my can or if it blows into the street?
I work, so I'm not able to bring the can inside after it is empted.
It seems like it isn't safe for me to take advantage of this program. on FacebookShare I live on Joyce, who is responsible if a vehicle strikes my can or if it blows into the street?
I work, so I'm not able to bring the can inside after it is empted.
It seems like it isn't safe for me to take advantage of this program. on TwitterShare I live on Joyce, who is responsible if a vehicle strikes my can or if it blows into the street?
I work, so I'm not able to bring the can inside after it is empted.
It seems like it isn't safe for me to take advantage of this program. on LinkedinEmail I live on Joyce, who is responsible if a vehicle strikes my can or if it blows into the street?
I work, so I'm not able to bring the can inside after it is empted.
It seems like it isn't safe for me to take advantage of this program. link
I live on Joyce, who is responsible if a vehicle strikes my can or if it blows into the street?
I work, so I'm not able to bring the can inside after it is empted.
It seems like it isn't safe for me to take advantage of this program.
over 3 years ago
Residents on Joyce are able to participate in this program, cart placement issues can be discussed if you feel the location is unsafe. Please call 604 485-8657 to set up a time to meet on site with an employee.
Share Do businesses receive waste carts? on FacebookShare Do businesses receive waste carts? on TwitterShare Do businesses receive waste carts? on LinkedinEmail Do businesses receive waste carts? link
Do businesses receive waste carts?
over 3 years ago
Curbside collection is for resident/households, not for business use.
Share I have no use for curb-side pick-up. Why can't I opt out of this programme? on FacebookShare I have no use for curb-side pick-up. Why can't I opt out of this programme? on TwitterShare I have no use for curb-side pick-up. Why can't I opt out of this programme? on LinkedinEmail I have no use for curb-side pick-up. Why can't I opt out of this programme? link
I have no use for curb-side pick-up. Why can't I opt out of this programme?
over 3 years ago
If your not interesting in participating we can pick up your cart.
The price of collection and disposal is made reasonable by having economies of scale based on participation of the community. There is not an option to opt out of garbage levy.
Share I had a bin dropped at my business - 4726 Marine Ave - we back onto a parking lot. Where are we supposed to place the bin for pick up?? on FacebookShare I had a bin dropped at my business - 4726 Marine Ave - we back onto a parking lot. Where are we supposed to place the bin for pick up?? on TwitterShare I had a bin dropped at my business - 4726 Marine Ave - we back onto a parking lot. Where are we supposed to place the bin for pick up?? on LinkedinEmail I had a bin dropped at my business - 4726 Marine Ave - we back onto a parking lot. Where are we supposed to place the bin for pick up?? link
I had a bin dropped at my business - 4726 Marine Ave - we back onto a parking lot. Where are we supposed to place the bin for pick up??
over 3 years ago
Could you please contact us at 604 485-8657? i feel we need more details from you and maybe a site visit.
Share I have mobility issues. I talked to Jason Lilly where to leave my cart (at the bottom of my backstairs so the workers can see it) and they will take it to the pick up spot). Will they return it to the bottom of the stairs so it is ready for the next week.
Also, since I do not have garbage every week is there a way to signal the workers it is not needing picked up on that week. on FacebookShare I have mobility issues. I talked to Jason Lilly where to leave my cart (at the bottom of my backstairs so the workers can see it) and they will take it to the pick up spot). Will they return it to the bottom of the stairs so it is ready for the next week.
Also, since I do not have garbage every week is there a way to signal the workers it is not needing picked up on that week. on TwitterShare I have mobility issues. I talked to Jason Lilly where to leave my cart (at the bottom of my backstairs so the workers can see it) and they will take it to the pick up spot). Will they return it to the bottom of the stairs so it is ready for the next week.
Also, since I do not have garbage every week is there a way to signal the workers it is not needing picked up on that week. on LinkedinEmail I have mobility issues. I talked to Jason Lilly where to leave my cart (at the bottom of my backstairs so the workers can see it) and they will take it to the pick up spot). Will they return it to the bottom of the stairs so it is ready for the next week.
Also, since I do not have garbage every week is there a way to signal the workers it is not needing picked up on that week. link
I have mobility issues. I talked to Jason Lilly where to leave my cart (at the bottom of my backstairs so the workers can see it) and they will take it to the pick up spot). Will they return it to the bottom of the stairs so it is ready for the next week.
Also, since I do not have garbage every week is there a way to signal the workers it is not needing picked up on that week.
over 3 years ago
Hi Patsy, i think it would be a good idea to get you back in contact with Jason for these details. Please call us at 604 485-8657.
Share Has the city any plans for the old garbage bins we have. Not all of us have a need or space to keep the old ones. on FacebookShare Has the city any plans for the old garbage bins we have. Not all of us have a need or space to keep the old ones. on TwitterShare Has the city any plans for the old garbage bins we have. Not all of us have a need or space to keep the old ones. on LinkedinEmail Has the city any plans for the old garbage bins we have. Not all of us have a need or space to keep the old ones. link
Has the city any plans for the old garbage bins we have. Not all of us have a need or space to keep the old ones.
over 3 years ago
Suggestions have come up for reusing old garbage bins. Ideas like, garden tools storage, planters, composter, container for recycling at curbside or rain barrel.
Share How many people will be laid off or offered early retirement with this tax increase, be honest. It would be more productive for the whole community if this million + dollars had been spent fixing the streets and creating a few jobs. on FacebookShare How many people will be laid off or offered early retirement with this tax increase, be honest. It would be more productive for the whole community if this million + dollars had been spent fixing the streets and creating a few jobs. on TwitterShare How many people will be laid off or offered early retirement with this tax increase, be honest. It would be more productive for the whole community if this million + dollars had been spent fixing the streets and creating a few jobs. on LinkedinEmail How many people will be laid off or offered early retirement with this tax increase, be honest. It would be more productive for the whole community if this million + dollars had been spent fixing the streets and creating a few jobs. link
How many people will be laid off or offered early retirement with this tax increase, be honest. It would be more productive for the whole community if this million + dollars had been spent fixing the streets and creating a few jobs.
over 3 years ago
We appreciate your feedback and it will be forwarded to the appropriate department. Thank you
Share We have no curbs on our street at this time are you installing curbs on Marine ave. on FacebookShare We have no curbs on our street at this time are you installing curbs on Marine ave. on TwitterShare We have no curbs on our street at this time are you installing curbs on Marine ave. on LinkedinEmail We have no curbs on our street at this time are you installing curbs on Marine ave. link
We have no curbs on our street at this time are you installing curbs on Marine ave.
over 3 years ago
Please contact Operational Services at or 604-485-8657.