Zoning Amendment 128 – Vacant Glacier Street

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Consultation has concluded

The property owner of a vacant parcel located between Gabriola Crescent and Glacier Street is proposing a zoning amendment. This application is seeking to rezone this property from R2 (Single and Two Family Residential) to CD4 (Comprehensive Development 4: "Residential Small Lots"). A subdivision application to support this proposal has also been received. If successful, these applications will result in a 9 lot residential subdivision.

In the City's Sustainable Official Community Plan (SOCP) the subject property has a land use designation of Urban Residential Low Density. The intent of this designation is to accommodate ground-oriented residential uses in urban areas with existing infrastructure and close to recreational amenities and commercial services. Acceptable housing forms include residential dwellings with or without secondary suites and a variety of ground-oriented multi-unit residential buildings such as duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes and townhouses. Further to the above, the area in which the subject property is located has also been identified within the SOCP as being suitable for new development and with the potential for subdivision. This rezoning application and associated subdivision application are considered to be in alignment with the SOCP.

Under legislative changes to the Local Government Act in 2023, a municipal council is now prohibited from holding a public hearing on a zoning amendment bylaw that proposes residential development that is consistent with an existing official community plan. Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2769, 2024 is deemed to be consistent with the SOCP, so the application for the vacant lot on Glacier St. will proceed without a public hearing. Council will consider first reading of the bylaw at its December 19, 2024, regular meeting.

The related staff report is publicly available and can be downloaded from the Documents link to the right. Any party who feels their interests may be affected by the proposed bylaw can make written submission to Council. Submissions may be emailed to planningservices@powellriver.ca, mailed to City Hall, 6910 Duncan Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 1V4, or delivered in person to City Hall. All written submissions must be received no later than 2 pm on December 19, 2024.

As always, residents are welcome to reach out directly to Planning Services staff with any additional questions or concerns. Our offices can be reached at 604-485-8650 or planningservices@powellriver.ca

The property owner of a vacant parcel located between Gabriola Crescent and Glacier Street is proposing a zoning amendment. This application is seeking to rezone this property from R2 (Single and Two Family Residential) to CD4 (Comprehensive Development 4: "Residential Small Lots"). A subdivision application to support this proposal has also been received. If successful, these applications will result in a 9 lot residential subdivision.

In the City's Sustainable Official Community Plan (SOCP) the subject property has a land use designation of Urban Residential Low Density. The intent of this designation is to accommodate ground-oriented residential uses in urban areas with existing infrastructure and close to recreational amenities and commercial services. Acceptable housing forms include residential dwellings with or without secondary suites and a variety of ground-oriented multi-unit residential buildings such as duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes and townhouses. Further to the above, the area in which the subject property is located has also been identified within the SOCP as being suitable for new development and with the potential for subdivision. This rezoning application and associated subdivision application are considered to be in alignment with the SOCP.

Under legislative changes to the Local Government Act in 2023, a municipal council is now prohibited from holding a public hearing on a zoning amendment bylaw that proposes residential development that is consistent with an existing official community plan. Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2769, 2024 is deemed to be consistent with the SOCP, so the application for the vacant lot on Glacier St. will proceed without a public hearing. Council will consider first reading of the bylaw at its December 19, 2024, regular meeting.

The related staff report is publicly available and can be downloaded from the Documents link to the right. Any party who feels their interests may be affected by the proposed bylaw can make written submission to Council. Submissions may be emailed to planningservices@powellriver.ca, mailed to City Hall, 6910 Duncan Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 1V4, or delivered in person to City Hall. All written submissions must be received no later than 2 pm on December 19, 2024.

As always, residents are welcome to reach out directly to Planning Services staff with any additional questions or concerns. Our offices can be reached at 604-485-8650 or planningservices@powellriver.ca